Entries by Nifa

Early pregnancy scanning at sows

With the Easi-Scan:Go Lite, a latest-generation scanner, it is possible to determine gestation at 18 to 19 days (starting from the last insemination day, often the day the sow is double mated). At farms that scan themselves, we see that most users are able to [...] in a few weeks.

TEAM AWAY DAY - 75 years of NIFA

While enjoying snacks and drinks, we enjoyed eight exciting races, betting on different horses. We also rode along with a follow car in the middle of the trotting track, how cool was that! NIFA also sponsored one of the races, with the winner receiving a decorative blanket [...]

IRIS Printer in use at Team Nijhof

Recently, several customers were interested in the new IRIS printer, including the modern SWS Nijhof. The installation took place in mid-July, provided by our French colleague Cyril Gouret of IMV Technologies. NIFA colleague Hans Jubbega went along with him. Cyril had the machine assembled and ready [...] in no time.

Visiting our clients

'The main focus was on production procedures and advice on how to improve and optimise them,' Hans explains. 'All customers received a report with recommendations after our visit, which we discussed online. We like to think along and look back on a fruitful week. With special thanks to Tatiana!' NEED ADVICE? Would you like [...]

TRAINING - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Utrecht

Three days in a row, a group of students went out with Maarten to practise bovine fertility counselling on dairy farms. This was organised by student association the "Cattle Breeders". They organise courses on "ultrasound in cattle" to master the tricky technique. Maarten Pieterse is very adept at transferring [...]